Early Learning KinderCare

Located at Russell Public School
14 Mill St. Russell, On

Ignite a love of learning!

"Our girls have been with
KinderCare for the past 6 years and they
always insist on attending the summer program, as
well. They love it! They really enjoy the outdoor activities and outings, the highlights being the super fun field trips. We love that the programming includes lots of fresh air time and is always diverse and engaging. Year after year, we appreciate the professionalism of the staff and their rapport with our kids. As parents, we have always taken great comfort in knowing our kids were safe, receiving the very best care and truly enjoying their summers at
Alana and Shawn Serson

Our Summer Program Provides​
Fun and engaging recreational activities for kindergarten and school age children with an emphasis on exploring nature and the outdoors
A safe and caring environment with additional staff to provide better than Ministry required adult to child ratios
Gym time for gross motor activities and free play
Outdoor games, sports and water play
A healthy balance of active play and relaxing down time
Programming built upon child-initiated and adult supported experiences that reflects the ideas and interests of the children
Local activities and excursions that strengthen connections within the community
Nature walks to conservation areas, park excursions, picnics, library visits, special outings and field trips
Summer Program Schedule
Monday to Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
(excluding July 29-August 9, 2019,
when closed for cleaning and maintenance)